Thoughts on the last book of the original series are scattered all over the charts. Tune in to hear what your fellow listeners thought of Chapterhouse: Dune and much more.
Frank’s writing takes an interesting turn in what was supposed to be the first of a new trilogy. Let’s take a look at what you thought of the change in stye and much much more!
God Emperor of Dune is often heralded as the book that stops people’s journey through Dune. Tune in to hear what our listeners really think about the book and if they agree with that statement.
Opinions fly all over the place as Jim, Scott, and David discuss the ins and outs of Frank Herberts Children of Dune. Tune in and let us know where you stand on the book.
The third book in the original Dune series has a lot going on in it. Make sure you don’t miss a beat with our summary of the story in roughly 10 minuets.
Tune into this prime Listener Feedback Show which includes some firsts for us and a rather interesting section of “Bad Reviews” and all while we tackle the book that started it all, Dune
Perhaps it has been a long time since you have read Frank Herbert’s masterpiece, or maybe you read it along with us and are in need of a refresher. Either way, listen as our very own David Moulton sums up the complete volume in ten minutes or less.